Everything I’ve talked about in this report has a bearing on the price you’ll pay. Size, efficiency, accessories, permits, installation, quality, overhead, warranties, guarantees.
They all affect the cost of your system. When you call for an estimate, do you think someone is going to say, “We’re the cheapest in town – that’s because we cut corners!”? No, you know they’re not. You see, they never have to justify why they’re the cheapest, because to most people, cheap is good. Everyone gets excited when they get a cheap price. Nobody asks, “Why?” From now on though, you will.
From the lowest priced manufacturer to the highest, the range in cost to the contractor is no more than $200 – $500. But then why are estimate from different companies all over the place?
There are three ways for a contractor to lower their cost:
Spend less time
Do less work
Use less materials/Use lower-grade materials
Prices vary due to installation, installation materials/supplies (or the lack thereof), guarantees, and warranties.
You should be able to see why, as I said earlier, the cost of the equipment itself (what it costs the contractor) does not make much of a difference in the price you pay. That’s the one constant price in all of this. All contractors pay pretty much the same thing, and even the difference from manufacturer to manufacturer is not that great. It’s the variables that make up the difference and you need to decide how important it is to you that those variables are done right.
That’s why, even if you narrow your choice down to 2 or 3 models, you still can’t compare companies by cost alone. You’ve got to dig deeper and find out everything you can about those companies.
Am I saying then that the highest price is the better bargain? Not necessarily. All I’m saying is to make sure you know what you’ll be getting for your money. Make sure you use the guidelines in CHOOSING THE RIGHT COMPANY to find a company you can trust. It’s the best chance you have in this confusing process.